Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Get Your Game on!
This holiday season, start your own tradition – turn off the TV, Wiis, iPhones and other techno gadgets and have some old-fashioned family fun. Along with classics such as Monopoly, Phase 10, Uno and Scrabble, pick up some newer games the whole family will enjoy.
A popular favorite, Settlers of Catan is a constantly- changing strategy game where players collect resources and use them to trade and build settlements, cities and roads. It’s an award-winning game that’s been a best seller in the United State and America and is suitable for three to four players, ages 10 and up.
For fast-paced fun reminiscent of hot potato, pick up the electronic version of Catch Phrase. You only have a few seconds to describe the word on the screen, get your teammates to guess correctly and hand it off to the next player. If the buzzer goes off and you’re still holding it, you lose! It’s hilarious fun and perfect for large groups.
Quick! What adjective describes a high school reunion? Is it painful, awkward? Apples to Apples provides hours of fun as a card game with hilarious comparisons. The “judge” picks a card with a noun and players pick their own cards that best describe the noun. If the judge picks your card, you win the round! From just plain funny to outrageous, you never know what may happen!
For more fun games, check out Quiddler, Dutch Blitz, Blockus, Loaded Questions, Cranium and Buzzword.
Keep Your Holidays Merry
Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas or any other holiday, a certain amount of stress always seems to creep into our lives – sometimes even robbing us of the joy the season brings. This year, take time now to ensure your holidays are thankful, merry and as stress free as possible.
Number one on the list – always remember it’s about spending time with family and friends.
Your house may not be spotless, the presents may not be wrapped perfectly but those who love you most don’t care. Ten years down the road, they won’t remember that there was dust on the mantle, but they will remember laughing until their sides hurt, watching the kids’ faces as they opened presents, staying up late chatting and so much more.
Make lists for everything.
Being organized ahead of time is crucial to keeping stress at bay. Plan your menus now and pick up needed items each time you shop. Keep a list of ongoing household chores/cleaning that needs to be done. Give the kids their own lists of things they can help do around the house. Make a list of everyone you need to buy for, what they want and a set dollar amount for each gift.
Spend five minutes a day counting your blessings.
An attitude of thankfulness keeps the holiday spirit going despite long lines, short days and never-ending tasks.
Shop online, whether for groceries or presents.
You’ll escape crowded stores, maximize your precious time and can quickly and easily shop and compare.
Be realistic.
Don’t take on more than you can handle. Learn to say no. Overextending yourself also negatively affects your health, weakening your immune system and exacerbating current health problems. Do what is realistically possible and let the rest go.
If you have small children, keep their schedules consistent.
Children thrive on routine, especially during hectic times. Allow time for rest each day, ensure they have healthy meals and snacks and realize they may have fears (meeting new relatives, sitting on Santa’s lap, etc.) that require your time and attention. Keeping them on track will help ensure you’re able to stay on track as well.
And above all – enjoy the season!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Why You Should Really Choose Allgood
This was filmed by Fox5 Atlanta and really a great example of why it's important to use a professionally trained and licensed pest solutions provider. If you need a provider that you can trust to be safe around your family and home, trust that they will get the job done right and trust that the company will send someone to your home that's a good person, then you want Allgood Pest Solutions to provide pest and termite solutions for you.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Crown Leadership Award Winner - Chuck Tindol
This third-generation PMP is his own man, but readily admits he owes a debt of gratitude to his father and grandfather.
It may “take a village to raise a child” but for Crown Leadership Award winner Chuck Tindol of Allgood Pest Solutions it took a strong family, including an iconic grandfather who had a great influence on his early years. Both sets of Tindol’s grandparents were there to help raise him when he was young, while his parents, Bubba and Mitzi, attended college at the University of Georgia. And Tindol’s paternal grandfather was the late Rufus “Red” Tindol, a legendary figure in the industry who served as NPMA president in 1976 and worked for Otto Orkin early in his career.
“I can remember back when I was a child, and dad and granddad were working for Orkin and they would bring home Orkin coloring books,” Tindol says. “I would spend hours coloring. Everything was Orkin, Orkin, Orkin.”
When Red and his two sons left Orkin to start Tindol Services in 1967, Tindol was a young boy and would go into work on Saturday to cut the grass or throw out the trash, accompanying his father or grandfather on service jobs from time to time. When he was 16, Tindol started working during the summers when school was out, doing termite work and insulation jobs. Then when he graduated from the University of Georgia, he became a salesperson for the company.
“I can remember going to accounts and it would amaze me the number of people who would ask me about Granddad. I never met anyone who didn’t love him,” he said. “He was a very gentle man.”
Tindol describes himself as a “wild child” in his youth. “School was very easy for me so I misbehaved. I got straight A’s in school but I was always in the principal’s office. I wasn’t a bad kid. I was just always looking to have some fun.”
As he matured, he realized that “it’s not just about me, but everybody reaching the goal. That was what Granddad was all about, empowering people. Rather than simply holding them accountable, he provided the reasons why it’s important that they be held accountable.”
Now that Tindol is one of five managing partners of Allgood Pest Solutions, he is putting that philosophy to good use. He acknowledges the company’s success results from several things, including a strong management team consisting of Tindol, his brother Mike, father Bubba, cousins Perry Tindol and Jimmy Allgood, and uncle Mike Allgood, who also shares a financial interest in the organization. One of the strengths of the organization is having a management team with various skills. “We all have our strengths and weaknesses. We’re able to talk through things.
“I’ve also learned to manage more effectively through various training programs like Dennis Fox’s Integrity Selling. I’ve applied what I learned to both my personal and professional life as it opened the door to better understanding my wife (Ann), Perry, Mike and Dad better.”
Learning his strengths and weaknesses, as well as others’ communication styles changed the organization dramatically. Now the company uses a number of peer-to-peer processes (i.e., service manager to technician, general manager to operations manager) to understand — and appreciate — one another’s communication profiles.
“I told Jerry Seegers, (an executive) from Waste Management, that I had always been in my dad’s shadow and I wanted that to change. When I did something right, people would say, ‘That’s Bubba’s son.’ And when I did something wrong, they’d say, ‘That’s Bubba’s son.’” So, Tindol asked Seegers to keep him in mind for any out-of-town career opportunities.
That led to the second key moment in his career. Waste Management eventually offered Tindol a management position in St. Louis. “That’s where I developed my own management style and I met some great people at the same time. I met Mike Rottler and the Mannino family who practically took me in as part of their family. They helped me to understand how to be a good competitor.”
“The third key moment was when Waste Management left the industry, and we decided to come back to Atlanta and start Allgood Pest Solutions,” says Tindol. “When you start your own business you realize pretty quickly that unless you provide great service, you’re not going to feed your family. I had a different passion for our customers since we started the business from scratch.”
Partner Jimmy Allgood believes Tindol’s talents are a real asset to the organization. “He’s looked after all our national interests and has taken the lead into looking at the business globally. He and my son (Lanny) have helped change the face of Allgood in Georgia.”
Fellow Georgian Charles Dixon, president of Dixon Exterminating, describes Tindol as a natural born leader. “He has character, motivation and people skills,” he says. “Personally, he was my mentor with NPMA and helped shape the direction of my company. Within our industry, I have never heard anyone speak badly of Chuck.”
Chuck and Ann’s children play an important role in their lives. Tindol coaches sports teams and attends sporting events. Oldest son Luke, 17, is athletic and plays high school baseball. Maggie, 16, runs cross country and plays soccer. Zach, 13, plays football, basketball and baseball. Tindol’s dad, Bubba, is proud of Chuck’s devotion to his family. “They are active as a family in their religion, the children’s sports and family vacations. Chuck has always participated in his kids’ sports as coach, as league president, as fund raiser and any other way possible.”
Ann is a cross country team coach and has this to say about Tindol: “The one word I would use to describe Chuck is passionate...about life, about family, about work. And when he’s passionate about something, he gives 100 percent.”
That passion has roots in his upbringing and in his parents and grandparents to whom, Tindol says, he owes a debt of gratitude.
Up Close: Chuck Tindol
Member of NPMA Leadership Development Group
Member of Allgood Pest Solutions management team
Represents Allgood Pest Solutions nationally
Friday, October 23, 2009
Climbing Your Family Tree

Almost inevitably as fall arrives, my preparations for the upcoming holidays prompt me to reflect on family traditions and wonderful holiday memories. Recalling all the laughter, delicious meals and so much more fueled a desire to learn more about my family and its history. What started out as a whim has turned into a fun pastime of gathering family history.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably always wondered where your family came from, who your ancestors were, what they did and so on. Unlike years ago, when researching family trees meant spending long hours pouring through county records or sneezing your way through dusty old library tomes, a majority of research can be done on the Internet.
A quick Google search reveals a multitude of genealogy search sites but there are several programs I’ve found useful. Family Tree Maker, Legacy and Personal Ancestral File (free from have helped me gather and organize my collection of names and records. Family Tree and Legacy deluxe are available for a minimal cost (under $40) while PAF is free, along with Legacy standard. There are other free sites that help you get started, including The US GenWeb Project, There you’ll find tips on searching census records, finding maiden names, understanding the difference between a primary and secondary resource and more. The site also lists old occupations and today’s translations.
So what are you waiting for? Start climbing your own family tree – who knows what discoveries you’ll make!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Scare up Some Fun this October in Georgia

For those who like a challenge or enjoy getting lost on purpose, visit a corn maze. The North GA Corn Maze in Cleveland is located on eight acres and contains almost three miles of trails. Explore it by day or take a flashlight and get lost at night.
While you’re at it, visit one of Georgia’s many festivals or haunted houses. Wherever you live – south, east, west or north – you’ll find something spooky somewhere around town. Helen boasts the longest-running Oktoberfest in the United States, complete with authentic German bands, bratwursts and dancing.
For more information, including hours, prices and direction, visit these Web sites:
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Best Rome Pest Control and Termite Warranty Company

Monday, October 5, 2009
Atlanta Pest Control Company support's Foster Childrens Foundation

Corporate Sponsors:
Atlanta Pest Control Company - Allgood Pest Solutions
Cheryl Mann, Atlanta Home Health Care
Blue Competition Cycles, Norcross
Bicycle Doctor, Norcross
Georgia’s Own Credit Union
Power Bar
J Brown Co
Gwinnett Sports Commission
Frazier Cycling
Individual Sponsors:
Russell and Mintoo Beasley
Friday, October 2, 2009
Agriculture Commissioner Irvin warns Georgians to protect structures against termite infestation after recent flooding

The recent rainfall -- and subsequent flooding -- have saturated soils and damaged homes and businesses that will require major rebuilding. Irvin says now is a good time to review or re-establish termite control measures that may have been disturbed by the flooding.
Irvin says home and business owners should always seek professional help when dealing with termites.
“A licensed pest management professional can best answer the question ‘Is my home or business still protected against termites?’” Irvin says. “If you have a liquid termiticide barrier treatment or termite monitoring/baiting programs (to protect your structure), it is essential that the pest control company determine if the barrier or stations have been disturbed by heavy rains or flooding.”Re-treatment of termiticide or re-installation of a baiting program may be required. Irvin says a trained structural pest control professional will be able to look for soil erosion and ascertain if soil has been carried away by the rains and flood and deposited away from a foundation or next to it. If there is a shifting of soil away from a foundation, it may be probable that termite re-treatment will be necessary.
Irvin says re-treatment may also be needed if there is movement of adjacent attached slabs such as patios, porches, driveways and sidewalks or a foundation.
“The disturbance of the liquid barrier treatment or termite monitoring system is an unfortunate occurrence, and is neither the fault of the homeowner, business owner, or the pest control company,” the commissioner says. “A property owner needs to review their termite control contract to see who is responsible for the reestablishment of the termite protection. This can be found in the terms and conditions of the contract.”
Irvin advises home and business owners to be cautious, in addition to using and seeking the advice only of licensed professional pest control companies.
“If a company is not licensed in Georgia, it is illegal for them to practice termite control work, and your property will not be professionally protected,” Irvin says. “If you are in doubt, call Structural Pest Control, Georgia Department of Agriculture at (404) 656-3641.” You can also verify a company’s operator’s license at
“Being inadequately protected is a gamble that you should not entertain,” Irvin says. “You want to be 100-percent certain that you don’t have a termite problem because if you guess wrong, it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars. Here, an ounce of prevention is the best course.”
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

For 25 years, Emmy-award winning consumer and investigative reporter Dale Cardwell has helped countless people become their own advocate by showing them which services and products truly live up to their claims. Wanting to continue that tradition, Cardwell recently launched, a site created solely to profile the best of the best. features only vendors that Cardwell has investigated and proven to be superior. He’s included categories such as financial, legal, health, house and home, automotive and lifestyle – each one containing numerous vendors that met his price, quality and customer service criteria. He also provides the research behind why those vendors are the best, allowing visitors to see the process.
When it came time to choose a pest control provider, Cardwell quickly discovered that Allgood Pest Solutions made the grade. He went down his checklist, reviewing Allgood’s credibility, track record, customer service quality and more. We’re proud to say we made the cut and we’re the featured pest control provider at
So go check out today and see why Dale Cardwell recommends Allgood Pest Solutions for the best Atlanta Pest Control company!
Monday, September 28, 2009

Cut Your Grocery Bill!
Have you ever walked out of the grocery store and felt like you just spent your entire paycheck? Or maybe you just needed two things and instead left with a cart full? Grocery shopping doesn’t have to break the bank – there are many ways to shop smarter and save money.
For starters, have a plan. Only making one shopping trip a week instead of three or four quick trips can help drastically cut your food costs. Also, cooking meals instead of dining out will save a bundle. Plan your meals a week or two at a time and make a shopping list based on what ingredients you need to buy. Pick recipes that can be made ahead and frozen, put in a crockpot or provide leftovers for lunch the next day. Don’t forget to include staples such as milk, bread, snacks, etc. If you need help planning, check out –the site provides a 7-day meal plan for 4-6 people, recipes, plus a complete grocery list for the meals.
Then, if you don’t already, start clipping coupons. There are many great websites such as and that can help you get started. For example, lists grocery deals for every grocery store in the state and then tells you if there’s a coupon available for that deal and the name and date of the circular it’s in.
Don’t forget drug store coupons and rebates – if you shop right, you can end up getting products for free!
Also, when shopping, shop the perimeter of the store, where the fresh food is kept. The inside center aisles contain kid magnets such as higher-priced (and less healthy) cookies, crackers, chips, soft drinks, etc.
Have some of your own money-saving grocery tips? Then let us know! We’d love to hear from you and maybe share your tips in a future issue. Send your comments to Tim at
Friday, August 14, 2009
Allgood Pest Solutions Termite in your pants game.
Been out to the Gwinnett Braves this season? If you have I'm sure you had some fun watching our in game feature "Termites in your Pants" game. Here are some season highlights from everyone's favorite Atlanta pest control company, Allgood Pest Solutions.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Allgood Pest Solutions Night with the Gwinnett Braves

The Gwinnett Braves and Allgood Pest Solutions raised $7,425 for the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research on Saturday, June 13 during the game against the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Yankees as fans were given the rare opportunity to win player’s jerseys right off their backs during a silent auction.
In addition to the auction, Rally Foundation hosted a bubblegum blowing contest prior to the game. For a small donation, fans of all ages went head to head with the Rally Bubble Megameter for the chance to win a Rally T-shirt and other prizes. All proceeds went directly to childhood cancer research.

Pre-game activities featured several Rally Kid cancer survivors including Russell Tindol, who threw the first pitch of the game. Following the first pitch, the Rally Kids Quartet featuring Ryder Ewing and her sisters Riley and Mackenzie sang the national anthem along with Jenna Rohrbach, sister of Rally Kid Alexa who passed away last year.
“Nothing could be worse for a parent to watch than to see their child go through the extensive treatments to remove cancer. Because of my nephew, Russell, our family knows these feelings, these pains,” Allgood partner Chuck Tindol said. “No childhood should be ended or even side-tracked by cancer. That’s why we partnered with the Gwinnett Braves to raise money for the Rally Foundation – to help cure childhood cancer.”

The Gwinnett Braves organization presented a check for $7,425, the amount collected during the silent auction, to representatives from the Rally Foundation and Allgood Pest Solutions at the end of the eighth ending.

Immediately following the game, winning bidders were escorted onto the field where Gwinnett Braves players autographed their jerseys and gave them to the winners.
“Rally is excited and honored to be a part of Allgood Pest Solutions night at the Gwinnett Braves game,” said Dean Crowe, founder and CEO of Rally Foundation. “This has been a great night for Gwinnett Braves fans and for Rally. Because of families like the Tindol’s and their willingness to support childhood cancer research, we are one step closer to finding a cure.”
Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Atlanta, Ga. with the sole mission of raising awareness and funds for childhood cancer research through volunteer grassroots initiatives. Rally Foundation currently supports 39 research projects across the country that aim to find better treatments and cures for childhood cancers. Visit for more information.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
“Jerseys Off Your Back” Auction

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wondering what to get your child’s teacher as an end-of-the-year thank-you gift? If you’re thinking about anything with apples or #1 teacher on it, walk quickly to the next aisle. Those teacher-themed gifts are way overdone. Instead find a gift that’s thoughtful, and one they’ll enjoy. Need some help? Here’s a quick lesson on gifts they’ll love.
Gift Cards
You can never go wrong with a gift card. Whether it’s for a favorite restaurant or for a retail store, it’s a gift teachers really appreciate and like getting the most. It’s also one that, depending on what it’s for (movie theater, dinner, etc.), spouses and children also get to enjoy.
Grant a Wish
If your child’s teacher has a classroom “wish list”, filling one of those wishes also makes a great gift. Many times teachers pay for supplies out of pocket and having someone else help out means a lot, even though it may seem like a boring gift to you.
Gift Basket
Find out what her hobbies are and create a gift basket. If you know she loves the beach, have a bag custom-monogrammed and fill it with a beach towel, sunscreen, flip flops, a good book and more. Or get a popcorn bowl and add a movie rental gift card, popcorn, soft drinks and candy for a movie night at home.
Spa Day or Sporting Tickets
Show your appreciation for all their hard work and dedication with a little indulgence. Treat her to a day at the spa or at least a manicure and pedicure. For the guys, tickets to a sporting event are always welcome. Or go in with some other parents and treat the teacher to a night at a bed and breakfast.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Mother’s Day Made for You

Plan a relaxing day or indulge by buying those shoes you’ve been eyeing. If you don’t have the time or are too tired to even think about pampering yourself, don’t worry. We have some great ideas that will make this Mother’s Day memorable.
Maid in heaven – Does your perfect day include a spotless house? Then hire a maid for the day (or the day before) and enjoy a pristine house without lifting a finger.
Forget the spa - Not every mom has the luxury of a day off. Instead, get a 30-minute or one-hour massage and be amazed at the difference it will make.
Big screen romance – Sneak away to the movie theater by yourself or with another mom and enjoy a chick flick. Movies currently out include “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” with Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner or “Confessions of a Shopaholic” with Isla Fisher (at value theaters).
Retail therapy – Enjoy a blissful afternoon spent wandering the mall completely alone. Shop in peace without having to pick up clothes pulled off hangers by little hands or stopping every other store for a snack. You can even try on clothes in the dressing room!Dine in – No cooking allowed! Have dinner delivered or have your husband and kids pick up take out. Then enjoy a fabulous meal at home, followed by a bubble bath with candlelight, music and a good book.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Allgood Pest Solutions Recognized in Gwinnett's Top 25 Small Business Awards

For the second straight year, Allgood Pest Solutions was honored as one of Gwinnett's Top 25 Pinnacle Small Business Award winners at a luncheon last Friday, April 24th and was selected from more than 400 nominations, based on steady and above-average growth and profitability, growth in number of employees, contributions to the community, overcoming adversity, original entrepreneurship and more, as defined by the Small Business Administration for their statewide and national awards. These 25 companies alone accounted for approximately 2,020 jobs and $895 million in revenue last year.
Formerly known as the Small Business Person of the Year Awards, the Pinnacle Small Business Awards are among the Gwinnett Chamber's most prestigious awards. The celebration recognizes both emerging companies as well as companies that have exhibited a substantial history as an established business.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Gwinnett Braves Baseball

Monday, April 20, 2009
Termite 101

By now you probably know that if you don’t have a termite problem, you most likely will at some point. After all, this is the South. Two of the best ways to avoid a problem are knowledge and prevention. Here’s a quick lesson on termites and termite control.
Pests - Ants or termites?
Wondering if that mass of pests is a swarm of ants or termites? Here’s how to tell:
Ants have a narrow waist and three distinct body parts. Termites are thicker and look more like one long shape
Ants’ antennas are shaped like an “L” (elbowed), while termite antennas are straight.
Allgood Pest Solutions provides you with trained professionals who inspect your home to insure there are no developing termite problems. They treat preventively with a traditional-style liquid barrier, Termidor, or a termite monitoring and baiting system, Sentricon. These products are also used if there’s an existing termite problem.
Termidor is a revolutionary new chemical technology that allows for treatment that is undetectable to termites. Termidor begins working immediately to eliminate termites inside and outside your home. It is a low-dose, low-odor product that meets the stringent standards for registration by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Like Termidor, Sentricon also eliminates the entire termite colony and is gentler on your home, yard and environment than the harsh liquid chemicals once used. Sentricon stations are placed in the ground around your home, intercepting foraging termites from the soil. An Allgood professional monitors the stations, and when termites actively begin consuming the device, they replace it with bait that is then carried to the colony, eventually destroying it.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Grow Your Own Herb Garden

Wondering whether to grow them inside or outside? It’s really depends on your preference. Either way, you’ll need to purchase some plants or seeds, which you can find at stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s, Wal-mart or neighborhood nurseries. For inside gardens, choose a spot that receives a lot of sun but is protected from heat and dryness. Keep them well watered but make sure they have excellent drainage and choose a soil mix formulated for potted plants. Some of the best herbs to grow inside include basil, chives, oregano, parsley, sage and rosemary. Ultimately, your food preference tastes should dictate what you grow.
For outside gardens, plant as close to the house as possible so they’re within easy reach, even in the rain. If possible, grow each herb in a separate space and find a spot that drains well and receives at least six hours of sun a day. Also keep in mind that some herbs, like mint, will reseed and run rampant, popping up all over a garden, if not properly maintained. Keeping plants harvest also ensures thick, healthy growth. Most of the herbs that grow well inside will also flourish outside.
The best time of day to pick herbs is after the dew has evaporated but before the sun becomes too hot. You can start picking as soon as the plant has enough leaves to maintain growth. For dried herbs, pick the flower bud before it opens and seed heads as they change to brown or gray. Wash them in cold water, drain completely and then dry. Hang upside down in a dark, warm, well-ventilated, dust-free area. When they become dry and crumbly they are ready to use or store.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Uncommon Uses for Common Items

Lemons – Run a few wedges through the garbage disposal to eliminate smells, stuck food and fight bacteria. Or, after handling raw fish and washing with soap and water, pour one tablespoon lemon juice into palms, rub together and rinse. Voila! The smell is gone. Lemons will also remove food stains from plastic or wooden cutting boards.
Vinegar – To keep cats off furniture or certain household areas, spray white distilled vinegar on the spot. Full strength white distilled vinegar also kills weeds, especially in crevices and cracks. In addition, it can be used to soothe sunburn.
Lint roller – Instead of creating a dusty mess trying to wipe down a lamp shade, use a lint roller. It effortlessly picks up all the particles, leaving a clean shade.
Spaghetti – Easily light a candle that’s burned down to the bottom of a container by lighting a dried spaghetti noodle. It also works well for lighting multiple candles, like those on a birthday cake – no more burnt fingers!
Newspaper – Wrap it around unripened fruits and vegetables, leave overnight and wake up to ripe tomatoes, peaches and more. Don't forget them though, otherwise Allgood Pest Solutions will have to come out and take care of some fruit flies.
Non-skid rug pad – Install one in your trunk to keep grocery bags upright and in place.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Eight Web Sites You’ll Want to Bookmark

For Moms
For all things handmade, visit You’ll find invitations, clothing, art work, jewelry, toys, vintage items and so much more. Interested in selling your own wares? Then join the more than 100,000 sellers from across the globe.
Tie-dye eggs kits. Fun and functional changing pads. Eco-friendly food storage containers. At, each day a new list of cool mom stuff is featured. Some of it will make you go “Why didn’t they invent that when I was a kid” or “I need a baby just so I can buy that”!
Even if you’re not a foodie, it’s hard to resist this gal’s baking banter (and she’s from Georgia!). At, she shares how to bake everything from Easter Bunny Cake Pops to butterscotch pie. Her blogging has even landed her on the Martha Stewart Show.
Looking for the perfect gift for the relatives who have everything? Then send them a custom video created from your child’s drawing! animates drawings, adds voiceovers and can even add extra characters, making it a gift they’ll never forget.
For Kids
If there’s a little girl in your house, she’s sure to love The site allows girls to learn more about the historical characters portrayed by the American Girl dolls, play games, send e-cards and see behind-the-scenes videos from AG magazine shoots.
Have a budding scientist in the family? Then Bill Nye’s the Guy. A scientist, engineer, comedian, author and inventor, Nye has dedicated his life to making science fun and accessible. features scientific experiences kids can try at home, cool science facts and much more.
Take a break from the TV and let your kids experience some fun from yesteryear. At, you can download to your computer or iPod vintage children’s records. You’ll find gems like Mister Ed, Cinderella, the Lone Ranger, Tom and Jerry, Robin Hood and much more.
Our wide, wonderful earth awaits kids of all ages at The site teems with cool videos, games, stories, activities and more. Get the facts on Clown Anemonefish, Atlantic Puffins or any of the hundreds of animals featured on the site.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Keller Williams Blood Drive

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
10 Ways to Prepare for Spring

Get a soil test.
Contact your local extension office for testing directions or visit the link below.
Find out your planting zone.
Georgia is divided into four zones, so you’ll need to know which plants grow best in your zone.
Tune up the lawn mower.
Basically you’ll need to clean the deck, sharpen the blade, install a new spark plug and change the oil.
Prune trees, bushes and flowers.
If you’re not sure how to prune, your local extension office can help.
Till planting areas.
Buy seeds and start them indoor.
Add new mulch to existing bushes.
Sharpen gardening tools and replace as needed.
Aerate lawn and apply fertilizer.
This is where the soil test also comes in handy – the results tell you the kind and amount of fertilizer needed.
Make a list of any new plants needed and where they’ll go.
Soil testing directions:
Georgia planting zones by zip code:
Allgood’s Quality Pro Designation – Our Commitment to Excellence

Less than two percent of all pest control companies in the United States have achieved this status, and we’re proud to join their ranks.
The Quality Pro status means that not only do we meet state and federal requirements, but we also voluntarily go above and beyond those requirements. We’re committed to a stringent set of qualifications that include:
1. Criminal background checks and driving record reports
2. Maintaining a drug-free workplace
3. Higher insurance requirements
4. Clean, identifiable vehicles with proper security for the storage of pesticides
5. Higher training and testing requirements
6. Practice proper IPM techniques
7. Clear, easy-to-understand contracts and agreements
As a Quality Pro company, Allgood is dedicated to getting the job done right. We’re proud to be a pest solutions brand you can trust.
Reconnect by Disconnecting

Put Your Game Face On
Get the whole family involved with a fun game. Try letting each child pick out their own game and have the entire family play them together. Even preschoolers can enjoy the fun with games like Hi-Ho Cherry-O or Candy Land; for more advanced, creative play try Cranium or a fun card game like Pit.
Build Family Bonds
Tackling a project together does more than just bring the family together. It also helps kids learn problem-solving skills as well as other important traits. Whether it’s a doll house, model airplane, race car or even a simple birdhouse, a building project combines fun, learning and togetherness.
Take a Hike
With Georgia’s abundance of community, local and state parks, there’s no excuse not to make a family day a park day. Bring the bikes, the dog and even the fishing poles and a picnic lunch for a fun time in the great outdoors.
Backyard Fun
Turn your backyard into a different kind of PlayStation with badminton, volleyball or even croquet. Be careful though, a little friendly family competition can be addicting! Try adding in some classic games like hide and seek (even more fun at night with flashlights!), red rover and Frisbee.
Monday, February 23, 2009
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Termites cause more damage to a home than wind and fire combined. You wouldn’t think of letting your homeowner’s policy lapse, so why would you drop your termite coverage, especially in a region that’s prone to infestations?
Even if your home doesn’t currently have termites, it’s possible it could become infested in the future. In Georgia alone, termites cause millions of dollars in home damage each year – none of which is covered by homeowners insurance. Renewing your termite warranty guarantees that Allgood Pest Solutions will treat the infestation as well as repair any damaged areas, at no additional cost. You’ll also receive free quarterly or yearly inspections done by our highly trained technicians.
An Allgood termite warranty helps you protect one of your most valuable assets, plus it entitles you to future discounts on other services. It’s also transferable, which can be a good selling point when marketing your home.
For peace of mind when it comes to your largest investment, renew your termite policy today and let Allgood Pest Solutions protect your home.